Your Ultimate Guide to Bathtub Installation

August 16, 2023
Expert bathtub design and installation in Maui color.

Bathtub installation may seem like a daunting task.

The truth is, without proper knowledge and preparation, it can be quite challenging.

But don’t worry – you’re not alone on this journey. Many homeowners face the same dilemma when it comes to bathtub installation.

Having the right data at your fingertips can make putting in a fresh tub much simpler than it appears.

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Table of Contents

Decoding the Process of Bathtub Installation

Bathtub installation is a multifaceted task that involves several intricate steps. From selecting appropriate materials to ensuring a snug fit, each phase demands meticulous attention and professional expertise.

The Crucial Role of Plumbers in Installing Bathtubs

In most scenarios, licensed plumbers shoulder the responsibility for bathtub installations. Their specialized instruction and practical knowledge give them the capacity to perform such jobs proficiently. They are adept at connecting all plumbing fixtures linked with tubs, including faucets and drains.

Apart from managing the actual installation process, these professionals play an indispensable role in averting potential mishaps during or after bathtub installation. This shouldn’t occur if done correctly by attaching drain plumbing securely or maintaining pipes post-installation, thus eliminating risks associated with leaks or other similar issues down the line.

Fundamental Factors Influencing Your Bathtub Installation

Diverse factors can influence both cost as well as duration when it comes to installing bathtubs professionally. One major factor undeniably is your chosen tub’s size – larger bathtubs will naturally demand more time and resources for the successful completion of this project.

However, beyond mere physical dimensions, complexity also plays a significant part here too; be it opting between a general-purpose tub versus something like a whirlpool model equipped with built-in jets or even considering replacing the existing tub type altogether – these choices significantly impact how straightforward (or not) your install project turns out eventually.

Dive into the intricate world of bathtub installation. From selecting materials to avoiding mishaps, learn how professional plumbers make it all happen. #HomeImprovement #BathtubInstallation Click to Tweet

The Cost Associated with Professional Bathtub Installation

Understanding the financial implications of a professional bathtub installation is vital for budgeting purposes. The cost can vary significantly, ranging from $2000 to as much as $5000 depending on factors such as your chosen tub size and the complexity involved in its setup.

Comparing Costs Between Plumbers and Handymen

A major factor that impacts these costs is who you hire: a plumber or handyman? Both are capable of carrying out installations; however, their rates differ due to variations in expertise levels.

Plumbers usually charge between $50-200 per hour. Their services extend beyond just installing bathtubs – they also handle all necessary plumbing connections. Thanks to rigorous training, plumbers are equipped well enough to manage complex installations or unexpected issues like complications arising during drain assembly work.

In contrast, handymen may offer more affordable hourly rates but might not have specialized knowledge about specific types of bathtubs or be prepared for intricate setups. This could lead them to encounter difficulties while executing tasks associated with certain bathtub type changes.

Besides labor charges, other expenses also play a part in determining the total expenditure incurred when getting an existing tub replaced by professionals – this includes materials required (bathtub materials supply list #1), potential modifications needed if changing the bathtub size necessitates creating a built-in bathtub support system, etc., along with any unforeseen extra costs should there arise plumbing emergencies during the installation measure stage.

To get accurate estimates tailored specifically to your needs before initiating any remodeling project, including replacing existing tubs, always request quotes from multiple service providers first. Remember that planning ahead helps avoid surprises later on down the line, making the entire process smoother overall.

Key Takeaway: 


Installing a bathtub isn’t a one-size-fits-all job. Costs can range from $2000 to $5000, depending on tub size and installation complexity. While plumbers offer expertise at higher rates, handymen might be cheaper but less prepared for specific setups. Don’t forget about extra expenses like materials or unexpected plumbing issues. Always get multiple quotes too.

Preparing for Bathtub Installation

The process of bathtub installation is more than just the physical act. Thorough forethought, exact calculations, and meticulous prep are essential for a successful bathtub installation project.

Importance of Planning Before Installation

An important bathtub installation tip revolves around thorough planning before initiating any work. This includes deciding on your new tub type, considering how it will fit into your existing bathroom layout, and creating an exhaustive checklist based on a comprehensive bathtub materials supply list #1.

Precise measurement isn’t merely about length or width but also factors in depth as well as space needed for fixtures like faucets or showerheads. Any miscalculation can lead to serious plumbing emergencies during or after the install phase.

In addition to measuring surrounds accurately, ensuring there’s a sufficient built-in bathtub support system becomes paramount, especially when you opt for larger-sized bathtubs which tend to be heavier than standard ones.

Making Way for the New Tub: Removing Obstructions

A significant part of preparing involves clearing obstructions from where your new tub will reside including old tiles or flooring material surrounding the existing tub area if applicable.

If replacing bathtubs is what you’re aiming at, then removing the current one forms the first step towards making room for its successor. However, it goes beyond mere removal; it entails disconnecting all associated plumbing lines safely without causing damage to nearby areas such as walls, etc., thus professional help might become necessary depending upon the complexity involved.

No previous fixture? Clearing out space becomes even more critical now since we need to consider other aspects like drainage location and slope besides basic floor leveling requirements so our newly installed unit sits perfectly post-completion. Attaching the 6″ drain plumbing requires utmost precision because improper connection could result in leaks leading to potential water damage down the line, thus ruining the entire effort put forth initially.

Key Takeaway: 

Bathtub installation is a meticulous process that requires thorough planning, precise measurements, and careful removal of obstructions. Any miscalculations or improper connections can lead to serious plumbing issues. Therefore, professional help may be necessary for complex installations.

Choosing the Right Professional for Your Job

The success of your bathroom remodel hinges on the professional you hire for bathtub installation. Selecting between a qualified plumber and a handyman can be difficult, but we are here to aid.

Handyman vs Plumber – What you Should Consider?

A crucial consideration when choosing between a handyman or licensed plumber is their expertise level. Handymen are jacks-of-all-trades who handle various home improvement tasks, including some plumbing jobs.

In contrast, plumbers specialize in installing and maintaining pipes within our homes. They have extensive training that equips them with knowledge about complex plumbing systems required for tasks like bathtub installations.

If you’re considering changing your existing tub type or size during remodeling, it’s essential to note that this could impact the overall process involved in installing the new one. From providing an additional built-in support system if opting for larger-sized bathtubs to reworking entire mood boards called “kid’s farmhouse style” bathrooms – these changes may necessitate hiring more specialized professionals such as plumbers over handymen. (source)

The second factor is licensing requirements; many states mandate substantial plumbing work must be performed by individuals holding active licenses issued by state regulatory bodies.

Licensed plumbers also carry insurance protecting homeowners from potential damages during renovation works, while not all handymen possess similar credentials which might leave homeowners exposed should issues arise post-renovation.

Finally, previous customer reviews offer valuable insights into each professional’s reliability and quality of workmanship—important considerations before making any decision.

Remember: selecting the right person isn’t just about cost; it involves ensuring they deliver high-quality results without future problems arising with your newly installed tub.

Thinking about a bathroom remodel? Choose wisely between a handyman and licensed plumber for your bathtub installation. It’s not just about cost, but expertise, licensing, insurance coverage, and customer reviews too. #HomeImprovement #BathroomRemodel Click to Tweet

A Beginner’s Guide to Installing a Bathtub

Installing a bathtub may seem like an intimidating task, but with careful preparation and meticulous planning, it’s entirely feasible. However, considering the complexities involved in attaching drain plumbing, among other aspects of installation, professional assistance is always recommended.

Steps to Install a Bathtub

The first step to a successful bathtub installation lies in preparing your bathroom for its new addition. This process involves turning off the water supply and ensuring that all necessary tools are within easy reach.

The next stage calls for the removal of the existing tub from your bathroom space. Bear in mind this can be labor-intensive as old bathtubs tend to be heavy and awkwardly shaped. Once you’ve removed your previous tub, take time to inspect the area thoroughly for signs of damage or wear which could impact the fit or function of your new fixture.

Moving on, the positioning phase comes next, where accuracy matters most. Placing the newly chosen tub correctly within the designated spot is crucial here because even minor miscalculations at this juncture can lead to serious problems later, such as leaks or drainage issues.

Your following task will involve connecting all required plumbing fixtures, including faucets and showerheads, etc., followed by securing them firmly using appropriate fasteners provided by the manufacturer.

Finally, there comes the testing phase, where filling up the installed tub with water, checking around edges, and thoroughly checking the drain assembly itself becomes paramount before finally sealing everything ready for use.

Ready to install a new bathtub? Our ultimate guide walks you through the process, from preparation and removal of old tubs to correct positioning and plumbing connections. Don’t miss out. #HomeImprovement #BathtubInstallation Click to Tweet

Understanding Different Types of Bathtubs and Their Materials

In the realm of bathroom remodeling, selecting a bathtub is an essential decision. The type and material of your tub can significantly influence not only the aesthetics but also its functionality.

Pros and Cons of Various Tub Materials

The choice of materials in bathtub installation ranges from porcelain-enameled steel to acrylic, fiberglass, copper, and stone resin. Each offers distinct benefits that cater to different needs.

Possessing classic appeal coupled with durability makes porcelain-enameled steel a popular option for many homeowners. However, this toughness translates into increased weight, which may require additional built-in support systems during installation.

Acrylic bathtubs, on the other hand, are lighter in weight yet retain heat efficiently. However, they might be prone to scratches and cracks under heavy impact. Fiberglass alternatives are budget-friendly but lack longevity compared to their counterparts.

Copper options bring elegance and vintage charm while having excellent heat retention properties. However, they need regular maintenance to prevent tarnishing over time. Stone Resin, if you’re looking for luxury combined with strength, could be the go-to option, albeit at higher price points due to the significant craftsmanship involved in the manufacturing process.

Impact of Changing Existing Tub Type and Size on the Installation Process

If you decide to change the existing tub type or size, it will affect the overall installation process. For instance, replacing a standard-sized built-in tub with a larger freestanding model will necessitate providing extra supports to accommodate the added load. Furthermore, the plumbing layout might need to be adjusted to suit the design specifications of the new tub. (source)

This detailed exploration should serve as a useful guide when planning your next remodel. Remember, every detail counts, especially important decisions such as choosing the right bathtub. Attempting to attain equilibrium between aesthetics, performance, amenity, and affordability is key. Happy Remodeling.

Key Takeaway: 

Choosing the right bathtub material is key to balancing aesthetics, functionality, and affordability in your bathroom remodel. From classic porcelain-enameled steel to luxurious stone resin, each option has its pros and cons. Changing tub type or size may also impact installation processes and costs.

How Your Bathtub Type or Size Change Influences Installation

Transforming your bathroom with a new bathtub type or size is an exciting endeavor. However, this change impacts the installation process significantly and requires thoughtful planning.

The Effect of Tub Size on Installation Process

When choosing a larger tub, it’s important to consider the available space and any additional support requirements due to increased weight. First off, space availability plays a crucial role – it’s essential that the new tub fits comfortably without causing any inconvenience.

Larger bathtubs often necessitate an additional built-in support system due to their increased weight. This could mean extra construction work which may extend both time and cost involved in the project. It’s not just about replacing bathtubs; rather, it involves reassessing plumbing lines and drain assembly positions as well as ensuring all building code compliance.

Beyond these structural aspects, changing from general-purpose tubs to more specialized ones like soaking or walk-in models might call for alterations in plumbing configurations too.

The Impact on Bathroom Design Aesthetics

An aspect that is sometimes overlooked during bathtub installation is its influence on overall bathroom design aesthetics. For instance, if you’re transitioning from a standard-sized bath into a kid’s farmhouse-style bathroom setup, then the entire mood board calls for revamping.

This implies modifying fixtures and possibly even wall colors or tile patterns around the bathing area, which needs reconsideration. Remember, every detail matters when creating a cohesive design flow within space, so never underestimate the power of small changes; they can have big impacts.

Remember: Regardless of what kind of modification you’re contemplating, be prepared. The procedure will involve some level of disruption, but with adequate preparation and professional assistance, the result will certainly be worth the effort.

Key Takeaway: 


Switching up your bathtub size or type isn’t a simple swap-out; it’s an overhaul. From reassessing plumbing lines to revamping design aesthetics, every detail counts. It may disrupt the norm, but with proper planning and professional help, you’ll make a splash in no time.

Bathtub Installation FAQs

What is the process of installing a bathtub?

The installation process involves removing the old tub, preparing the area, setting up plumbing connections, placing and securing the new tub, and finally finishing with caulking.

Do people still install bathtubs?

Yes. Despite showers gaining popularity for their convenience and water efficiency, many homeowners still prefer bathtubs for relaxation or bathing children.

Should you put flooring under the bathtub?

No. The bathtub should be installed directly on the subflooring to ensure stability. The floor finish usually extends just up to the edge of the tub.

How much does it cost to put in a bathtub?

The average cost of professional bathtub installation ranges from $2,000 to $5,000, depending on factors like size and complexity of installation.


Installing a bathtub is an intricate task, yet achievable with the right guidance.

  • You’ve learned about the role of plumbers and factors that influence installation costs.
  • We delved into cost comparisons between hiring professionals like plumbers or handymen for your project.
  • The importance of planning and preparation before starting was emphasized.
  • You now understand how to choose the best professional based on their expertise, licensing requirements, and past reviews.
  • A step-by-step guide to installing a tub has been provided, from turning off the water supply to attaching drain plumbing.
  • Different types of bathtubs were explored, along with their pros and cons depending on the material type used in manufacturing them.
  • The impact of changing your existing tub size or type was also discussed, as it can greatly affect the overall installation process.

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